Title: COVID-19 vaccination was associated with higher rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death. Carlton B. Brown, 2022.
Keywords: Antibody-dependent enhancement of viral infection (ADE), vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED), negative vaccine effectiveness, antigenic-imprinting, vaccine failure.
Summary: At the national level, during the Omicron wave, COVID-19 vaccination did not prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. On the contrary, in general, the COVID-19 infection rates were significantly higher in the 1-, 2-, and 3-dose COVID-19 vaccinated than in the unvaccinated (New Zealand, England, Scotland, and Canada). There was a significant COVID-19 death and hospitalization prevention disbenefit or no benefit at all to COVID-19 vaccination across the various dose and demographic categories. Government claims (in general) that COVID-19 vaccination prevented COVID-19 death and hospitalization despite enhanced infection rates are unsupported by the majority of its data, especially in the elderly, who accounted for most of the COVID-19 death and hospitalization burden. At the global scale, high rates of COVID-19 vaccination were associated with significantly higher infection and death rates than low vaccination rates (77 nations). This study’s results and annotated graphic summaries can be downloaded (ADE_VAED_Vaccine-failure).
Evidentiary Document: This study supported an evidentiary document and Open Letter sent to New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Minister of Health, other Ministers, and many senior healthcare-related executives, specialists, and researchers. This evidentiary document provided the results of my private research into (1) negative COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and vaccine failure in New Zealand, England, Scotland, and Canada across the Omicron wave and Globally (2021), (2) the evidence for toxic vaccine lots in the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database and its global implications, and (3) the significant evidence for SARS-CoV-2’s gain-of-function origin and the mechanisms used to enhance infectivity and pathogenicity (https://grandsolarminimum.com/2022/12/01/covid-19-vaccine-harm-evidence/).
Truth finally coming out
Yes, and the gain of function bit is the scary part. This is/was a globally coordinated genocide, just as I said it would be from the outset. Check this link out from 2yr ago. https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/12/13/covid-19-vaccination-will-preprogram-genocide/ Happy new year to you and best wishes to you.
Thank you for bravely taking a stand. I suspect that there are many more scientists and doctors who suspect that something untoward is happening but are afraid to speak out. We need more of you!
Thank you, Julie, and happy new year to you. Mine is a very rare skill set and expertise, and attitude toward making a stand! I expect this is not going to be an easy path! take care and all the best for the year ahead.
“When Anthony Fauci says ‘trust the science’.” Which, by the way, is the most unscientific statements I have ever heard in my life. In effect what he was saying–probably not deliberately–was ‘trust the psychopath’.”
– Dr. Aseem Malholtra
Hi Stan. It’s been hard watching sham science, lies, misinformation, and genocide be rolled out. They knew they had to rush the vaccination campaign to rapidly program the antibody-dependent enhancement of infection, vaccine-associated enhanced disease, and antigenic imprinting before people found out. This was how they planned to cull humanity. i posted this 2 years ago: https://grandsolarminimum.com/2020/12/13/covid-19-vaccination-will-preprogram-genocide/ Happy new year and my best wishes to you.
DIED SUDDENLY NEWS ~ THE PEOPLE’S RECORD OF GENOCIDE https://arrowd.substack.com/p/died-suddenly-news-the-peoples-record
UDATE 5: Fertility, Pregnancy and Infants https://arrowd.substack.com/p/fertility-pregnancy-and-infants
Update 6: Died Suddenly News
Accelerated Aging, Dementia and Mental Changes https://arrowd.substack.com/p/update-6-died-suddenly-news.
UPDATE 7 : Died Suddenly News Update
Family Turmoil, Separation and PTSD https://arrowd.substack.com/p/update-7-died-suddenly-news-update
HUMIC ACID TO DETOX GRAPHENE. I think this would be a great supplement for long term use. Some are saying that Graphene is getting into us from different sources. It’s an incredible supplement.
This is what I would use.. Ive used this product for years.. It’s incredible. It can take down Big Pharma. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH THE CURE:
Dr Goyetche ND. DNA Treatment (Find him on Twitter) Blog Post. This product is not readily available at this point unless you go to this doctor. He’s in Canada.
Search “International Society of Dose-Response” to understand what it is https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1586104386358484993.html
A huge amount of great work in this grand essay by Carlton Brown – Really pulls many of the wide range of issues together and somehow manages to do so in relatively simple terms. Offers us a robust series of articulate arguments for the litany of harms and abuses that have been suffered and continue to this day. Should be very interesting, and no doubt rather telling, to see the NZ Government reply
Thank you, Bruce – appreciated. Happy festive season to you and all the best for 2023! It took me one year and was a lot of hard work. Yes, you are right, it will be interesting to see what the Minister’s response is. Given this is MOH data it will be interesting to see how they try to refute/falsify this. Either way, New Zealanders are going to find out about this vaccine-induced harm and their life-long health risks. Cheers.