Blogs-emails-activism on grand solar minimum & glacial cycle stage related risks (i.e., cooling-glaciation, big volcanic eruptions, zoonosis-pandemics by mutating RNA viruses) & its’ hazards linked to UN-IPCC-WHO global strategies (i.e., climate change, pandemic influenza, & covid19) enabled by data fabrication (PCR, GMST°C), which portend 21st century genocide.
Prevent a UN-led Genocide by natural climate change catastrophes
Dear António Guterres (UN Secretary General) and his Leadership Team (sent by email 28/08/2019) Your organization via the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presides over a monstrous corruption of "normal science.” This UNFCCC Article 1 and 2-led...
read moreScientific refutation of the IPCC climate change key risk assessment
Sent by email to António Guterres (UN Secretary General) and his Leadership Team, and 16,000 government, intergovernmental, human rights and other stakeholders (28/08/2019): Click Email link. Sent by email to Royal Society Te Apārangi Council, and New Zealand...
read moreDoes Helen Clark know the “Zero Carbon Bill” veils important safety facts?
Contact Message Sent (go back) Name: Carlton Brown Email: Website: Comment: Dear Helen Clark As a member of the Club of Rome (Madrid) I omitted to include you in the following hyperlinked email sent to...
read moreNew Zealand Public Safety Placed At Risk
From: Subject: Follow up: email sent to the Prime Minister, Deputy PM, and the Climate Change and Health Ministers Date: July 17, 2019 at 9:08:26 PM GMT+12 To:,,...
read moreThe New Zealand Government knows the incriminating IPCC disclosures
From: Subject: Re: Acknowledgement from the office of Hon Julie Anne Genter Date: July 17, 2019 at 4:02:00 PM GMT+12 To: Stacey Connor <>,, W Peters...
read moreQuoted proof the IPCC dismissed catastrophic natural climate change risks
The IPCC dismissed catastrophic natural climate change risks, disclosed its theory-refuting and inaccurate climate forecasts, and unilaterally changed the immutable ice age boundaries without subjecting that to peer review scrutiny.
read moreClub of Rome Climate Emergency Plan is Flawed
Image first published on Twitter in Q1-2019 Dear Club of Rome members (copying World Media) As the reputed strategic and intellectual guardians against existential threats to our global society, and before developing your Climate Emergency Plan, did you critically...
read moreThe IPCC dismissed catastrophic natural climate change risks
The IPCC dismissed or omitted natural climate change risks from its key risk assessment provided to governments; disclosed its highly inaccurate climate forecasts spanning 30 years; changed the ice age boundaries without peer review scrutiny of its erroneous assumptions; and disclosed our limited proven oil and gas reserves.
read moreIce Age Re-Entry