Dear Prime Minister and Cabinet Office

You are requested to investigate the systematic corruption of normal-science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and its impact on UK Academia (climate science and dependent disciplines) and the advise the IPCC provides to the UK government. The IPCC’s climate- and risk-science are promoted as representing a consensus of the international scientific community, which UK Crown and Academic scientists and the UK Met Office Hadley Centre has contributed to. This same request was sent to hundreds of science leaders at the UK Science and Social Science Academies, and UK Universities.

This UNFCCC Article 1 and 2-led corruption resulted in the dismissal or omission of catastrophic natural climate change risks relevant to the 21st century (Fifth Assessment Report, AR5). This corruption also eliminated our correct glacial cycle bearing on today’s climate, and permitted society’s manipulation with biased weather reports that hide the natural climate change truth. In the event of a natural climate change catastrophe, this corruption could constitute an act of genocide.

Please find attached a fully cited scientific refutation of the IPCC’s key-risk assessment (see below). For clarity, UNFCCC Article 1’s definition of climate change is fundamentally different to natural climate change, as are the key-risks.

The following summarizes the IPCC’s incriminating disclosures that undermine the validity of its AR5 climate change key-risk assessment. The IPCC;

  1. Projected a 2016-2035 global temperature increase of 0.3°C-0.7°C. Between early 2016 and mid-2019 the global temperature declined 0.47°C while CO2 increased 2.8% (average of 4 global climate indices).
  2. Disclosed its highly inaccurate climate forecasts: 1986-1998; 84% under-forecasted the global mean surface temperature (GMST). 1998-2012; 97% over-forecasted GMST while 100% failed to predict the 15-year climate hiatus during this period, when CO2 increased 8.0%. Carbon dioxide’s rise is known by science to have lagged behind the temperature rise by 9-12 months during this same three decade period.
  3. Failed to inform governments that this warming phase started in the early 1700s, long before significant human greenhouse gas emissions. This indicates something else ‘controlled’ this three century warming phase, and therefore a UNFCCC Article 2 diktat does not control the key-risks (see point 7).
  4. Disclosed its use of global climate indices, that have been sequentially altered by UK/US government agenciessince 1990. These index alterations accentuated the recent global warming, making government agencies the biggest contributor to ‘anthropogenic’ global warming (MetOffice, NOAA, NASA).
  5. Omitted to explain the significant glaciation that was initiatedat both Poles after the Holocene Climate Optimum, from about five millennia ago, which tracked a 40-50Watt/m^2 decline in solar irradiance (@65°N) and a 5°C decline in polar ice core temperatures by 1700CE (i.e., 20% of the Arctic’s absolute interglacial temperature rise). This glaciation peaked during the Little Ice Age, and its early-19th century melt initiation preceded significant human activity. Despite these (de)glaciation facts, the IPCC dismissed with virtual certainty the prospect of glaciation for the next 1,000 years.
  6. Erroneously delayed the next ice by an unprecedented 30,000-50,000 years, while stating the last ice age ended ‘about 10,000 years ago’ (both falsifiable). These critical risk-linked assumptions failed to reflect the existing climate data and were not subject to peer review scrutiny, and the ice age delay is statistically falsifiable on three counts.
  7. Only assessed key-risks relative to UNFCCC Article 2(i.e., theoretical anthropogenic global warming), while it biasedly dismissed or omitted catastrophic natural climate change risks most relevant to the 21st century i.e., global cooling, glaciation, climate-forcing volcanism, rapid climate change, and pandemic influenza.
  8. Erroneously dismissed key scientific lessons associated with the Little Ice Age and the rapid climate change eventssince just before the Holocene Climate Optimum (see point 7’s risks), linked to climate change, and its associated famine, war, and epidemic related catastrophes, civilization destructions and species extinctions.
  9. Omitted to disclose that leading solar activity scientists expert in climate change have warned of a return to a Little Ice Age-like climate during this current grand solar minimum period.
  10. Confirmed that we only have decades of ‘proven’ oil and gas reserves left. Fifty-plus years of proven oil and gas reservesare insufficient to generate the full 21st century global warming that we are fear-mongered with, let alone delay an ice age. With reserves-to-production for oil and gas being less than 100% for most of the last 40 years, peak discovery is history.

If normal science were operating in the climate science field, the IPCC’s radiative forcing theory, forecasts and its key-risk assessment would be falsified.

Earth’s ice age entry after the Holocene Climate Optimum millennia ago, our ‘probable’ 21st century ice age re-entry (P-value <0.05), and a host of catastrophic natural climate change related risks linked to grand solar minimum periods are clearly evident by analyzing the full repertoire of climate, solar activity, volcanic eruption, and pandemic influenza outbreak data (see attached).

While I am sure UK academia is loathe to speak up against this politicized corruption of ‘normal-science’ as it holds its hand out for funding, I am here to remind government and academia – before its too late – that in the event of a natural climate change catastrophe (pandemic influenza included), parts of academia could be complicit in crimes against humanity. This email was prompted by members of your Cabinet Office reviewing my LinkedIn profile last week after my request to New Zealand’s Royal Society Te Apārangi Council and University Leadership to investigate this Article 1 and 2-led corruption.

What are you going to do about re-asserting scientific integrity over this politicized corruption of normal science, and ensuring the future safety of UK citizens and the post-Brexit UK economy?

Please see below my signature for a summary of my career skills relevant to earth system risks.

Attachments: if not attached to this email please click the following links.

  1. Scientific Refutation: Scientific Refutation of the IPCC’s Article 1&2 dictated Key Risk Assessment_UK V2
  2. Slide deck: Scientific Refutation of the IPCC’s Article 1&2 dictated Key Risk Assessment
  3. Hyperlink to this email: Click here.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Carlton Brown BVSc (Massey University) MBA (London Business School)

Advocate for Natural Climate Change Risk-Mitigation: Switching to Renewable Energy, and Implementing Decentralized/Centralized Sustainable Development and Prepandemic Influenza Immunization (Urgently)
FreeBook “Revolution: Ice age Re-entry”: Amazon (, Google Play (, Kobo (, and Researchgate (
Twitter (for an activist discussion):

Copyright © 2014 Carlton B. Brown of All Rights are Reserved. You are free to forward this information on to third parties and use this information under CC-BY-SA 4.0 rules.


My professional background and research link to earth system risks: See my LinkedIn profile.

I am a New Zealand qualified veterinarian (Massey University, 1986), with an MBA (London Business School, 1997) and a commercial background in human life sciences (Pharma, Biotech, Investment Banking, UK). I spent a decade innovating and developing a universal pandemic influenza vaccine able to immunologically target all potential pandemic influenza-A strains in humans. As founding-innovating CEO I raised £23million from corporate/blue-chip life-science investors for that UK venture before my company was sold in 2015.

That vaccine innovation project catalyzed my interest in influenza viral mutation epidemiology, and the role of Arctic migrating birds carrying pre-pandemic viruses into cyclical extremes of electromagnetism, geomagnetism, and natural climate change. This resulted in the discovery that pandemic influenza outbreaks since 1500CE (the Little Ice Age) biased 11-year solar minimum/maximum periods, and grand solar minimum periods linked to Arctic cooling and glaciation. This bio-system discovery was facilitated by analyzing the permutations of correlations between solar activity, geomagnetism, climate change, volcanism, and influenza pandemics, which made the lie about anthropogenic global warming obvious.

As a veterinarian, I have spent my career developing an expertise in using thermometers and recording temperatures, understanding the complexities of biological system control and regulation, and managing health and risks. These skills were directly applicable to understanding Earth as a complex cyclical system sustaining life. My science background and investment banking/analytical skills made it easy to comprehend this UNFCCC Article 1 and 2 enabled sham-science, and how climate science is in error as to our glacial cycle stage.




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